I love love frozen yogurt and Pinkberry is at the top of my list! It is delish! Today Pinkberry launches their new flavor, Watermelon. It is sooo delicious! Pinkberry stopped by my home last week and allowed my family to try the new flavor and we loved it!
To celebrate the launch of the new flavor, all Pinkberry stores will be offering half price , “Happy Hour” from 5pm-7pm everyday, on any Watermelon yogurt . I tried it with watermelon chunks and cucumber and it was so tasty! . I know it doesn’t sound like the combo would work, but it really does. You can try the cucumber and watermelon toppings for free during “happy hour”.
It is a perfect summer treat and a fun treat for the family.
* Disclosure- I did not receive any compensation for this post – I did receive sample to help in the review.
Did you know Pinkberry falsly claims (verbally only) that their products are all natural, or made from all natural ingredients?
Look up Maltodextrin. Fakeberry.
Hey Anonymous – Do you spend all of your time looking for the negative in everything? I go to Pinkberry several times per week in several locations and I've never heard that claim. Quit hating people for their successes. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Seriously, you're a loser with nothing better to do in life. Why don't you post a FACT – like a piece of collateral where Pinkberry makes that claim. Here's my false claim – "Did you know that this Anonymous person at Daytripping Mom is a loser? Verbally anyway. Probably work at one of the many WannaBePinkberrys out there".
There used to be public outrage against dishonest advertising. Fraudulent companies like Pinkberry make it hip, I guess.
Your overreaction to this information tells me you have more than a consumers interest in it.
Ask them if its all natural. See what they say; but of course you don't have to since you work there.