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The Beat Goes On – Win 4 Super Pass Tickets to the Orange County Fair!

Without a doubt one of the highlights of summer for our family is the Orange County Fair. This year promises to be fantastic!The fair will run from July 16 to August 15, Wed-Sunday and will be closed Mondays and Tuesdays.

July 16-August 15
Wednesday – Friday: noon – midnight
Saturday – Sunday: 10 a.m. – midnight
Open Wednesdays-Sundays.
Admission prices are
$10 for (13-59)
Seniors (60+) $7
Children (6-12) $5
Children under 6 FREE every day

There will be FREE admission and parking from Noon – 1 PM on opening day, Friday July 16th.
Other deals include
FREE admission for active duty military with I.D., Valid all day July 16-August 15.
Kids 12 and under receive FREE admission every Thursday. Valid all day.
$5 admission for those 60 years or older, plus FREE Ferris wheel & merry-go-round rides. Valid all day Friday. Sponsored by Monarch Health Care

Food Drive

Wednesday, July 21
Noon – 6pm
One FREE admission and one carnival ride per person with donation of five canned food items. Benefits Second Harvest Food Bank and OC Food Bank. Sponsored by Ralphs.
Book Drive
Wednesday, July 28
Noon – 6pm
One FREE admission and one carnival ride per person with donation of one new children’s book or three gently used children’s books. Benefits Orange County public schools with the help of the LA Times Reading By 9 and BookEnds.
Clothing Drive
Wednesday, August 4
Noon – 6pm
One FREE admission and one carnival ride per person with donation of five gently used clothing items. Benefits Goodwill of Orange County.
School Supply Drive
Wednesday, August 11
Noon – 6pm
One FREE admission and one carnival ride per person with donation of one new school supply item valued at $3 or more.

You can also purchase a season pass and enjoy every single day of the fair for one low price. To learn about Super passes head over here.

It is giveaway time! One lucky winner will win a four pack of Super Passes (Season Passes) that will allow you to get in for free every day! All you have to do is leave a comment on what you most look forward at the fair. That’s it! Contest runs until Sunday July 4th. Winner will be selected at random on Monday July 5th.

You can gain additional entries by
following ocfair on Twitter
“liking” me on Facebook
Following me on Twitter.

Good luck!

177 thoughts on “The Beat Goes On – Win 4 Super Pass Tickets to the Orange County Fair!

  1. Our kids are old enough to really enjoy some of the exhibits as well as the rides and such now…I am looking forward to really experiencing this with them! (And they've been asking all year, "When does the Fair come again? Can we go??!??!?) 🙂

  2. We would love tickets for the OC Fair. My kiddos have loved it every time we have made the trip. Thanks for the giveaway offer.

  3. Yay, the OC fair is back. We have have only been one and loved it. Now that my son is older I think he would enjoy it more. I love all the different animals they have. I know whoever you chose with have a blast.

  4. yay!!! I love your giveaways!!! 🙂 We love the fair and this year my daughter is old enough to really experience it and she is already talking about it. She loves the petting zoo and my son loves the animals too! Cant wait for the fair this year!

  5. I look forward to watching my kids laugh and giggle on the rides, be amazed at the petting zoo…and eating the corn dogs of coarse!

  6. Kiddos really like the rides and games. I like the exhibits and all the fried fair foods (my once a year treat)!

  7. I look forward to the time with my mom and sister. We love to walk the fair, checking all of the stalls and each nook and cranny out. It is great family time!

  8. Wow, my family loves the OC Fair!! We are most looking forward to the pig races & the giant ferris wheel! We would LOVE to win these tickets…and I promise to make good use of them if we win!


  10. We live in N. CA and we plan our vacation down to S. CA so that we don't miss the OC Fair. We love the cotton candy. And now our little ones can ride the kiddie rides by themselves so they look forward to the rides (especially with the ride bracelet!). Thanks!

  11. We are on such a tight budget right now, we are only doing free things. My almost 4yr-old daughter loves the ferris wheel and she's finally tall enough to go on one. Fair tickets just aren't in the budget, though. Thanks for the opportunity to win free tickets!

  12. I most look forward to the food! This year, my daughter is really going to enjoy the rides.

    thanks for the giveaway~
    gigglesandlollipops at

  13. We've been going to the OC Fair every year for the past 6 years now. We have 3 beautiful young girls now ages 4 and under. Every year it's a whole different experience with each child and together with our growing family. Seeing them all enjoy the fair at different stages is a joy. We can't wait to go again….

  14. The kids and I enjoy the animal barns, especially the baby animals. One year, we even got to ride an elephant! Great family memories!

  15. Cotton Candy and photo booth pictures with the kids to see how much they changed over the year when we compare them!

  16. mmmm… elephant ears. YUMMY. We look foward to taking the kids 9 and 4. Just seeing them run around telling us all the rides they want to go to is precious. We can't wait!!!!

  17. The thing my hubby and I always look forward to is the yummy food!!!!!!!!! Now that we have children though,the thing we look forward to is seeing the excitment on our kids faces when they see all the rides and animals.
    Pick us!

  18. one thing? I don't know how to narrow it down. FUN. how about that. Pig Races. 4H. Cotton Candy. Rides. I have twin 6 year olds

  19. Always look forward to the barbecue corn-on-the-cob! It's my favorite. We also like riding down the giant slide. It would be great to win passes. We usually wait in the huge lines the first hour it opens to save money.

  20. We have never been to this fair, would love to check it out with our two kids. Keeping fingers crossed we win tickets….

  21. Hi would love to go to the fair, have never been, so do't know what we would like best, but we like the "fair food" haha!


  22. We go to the fair every year and the highlight is always the FOOD! We can be healthy all throughout the year, but on fair day, watch out fried food!

  23. I have 3 boys and only the oldest (age 7) has been. The first time I took him to the Fair we went with my mother, his Nana, and it was a memorable time. He was 5 years old at the time and it was great seeing the Fair through his eyes. My Mom bought him a blow-up Dolphin from there and we still have it. Sadly, my Mom passed away shortly after that visit. I would love to be able to take all 3 boys. Thank you for your consideration!

  24. We LLOOOOOVVEEEE the Fair!!! 🙂 it's amazing how long we can spend strolling along the gardens. The kids just love to see the plants growing of the different vegetables and fruits. We usually have a garden and they compare it what we have at home. Dad and I usually do a concert or two for a night out. Who KNEW how much fun a KC and the Sunshine Band concert could be!!! Looking forward … counting the days!!!! 🙂

  25. Omgosh!!! I can't answer the question cuz, I've never been to the fair… (Cue the sad music)

    I swear, I haven't!!! I'm gonna be the fatty Mcpatty here and say I am super excited about all the fried food they have! (:

  26. We went to the O.C. Fair for the first time last year. We took our then baby to the fun zone and learned there was a corn dog eating contest. My wife dared me to enter and promised that if I won she would enter the following year. I would like to make sure she keeps that promise! Now our son is older (18 months)and I'm a stay at home dad. I Would also love to be able to take him often during the day.

  27. We LOVE the fair! Our kids really love the animals and we really love the bizarre food (and people watching of course). 🙂

  28. We like EVERYTHING about the fair. From the animals to the exhibits, to the food and the rides! SO MUCH FUN!!!

  29. The hubs & I love to go & walk around. The food & exhibits are definitely something we enjoy every time.


  30. We would love tickets to the OC Fair–We love seeing all the animals (we even watched the goat judging last time), the pig races, the vegetable judging, and the fun rides!

  31. I'm entering for my sister who is just recently divorced and would love for her to attend the fair when she has the kids. I am excited for her to try the fried twinkie and chocolate covered bacon and for the kids to see the animals!

  32. I love going to the OC Fair every year! I look forward to all the greasy food they have there, like the fried smores or other tasty desserts. My kids look forward to all the kiddie rides. Can't wait for this year!

  33. We love seeing all the animals during the Fair. And my daughter just can't get enough of the Ferris Wheel. She's a daredevil and is only 3!!!

  34. We absolutely LOVE the Fair. Our family loves to go every year! That is one of my kids highlights of the summer! I hope we win!

  35. There's nothing we don't like about fairs! We always love the animals and the food the best, though. 🙂

  36. Can you say FRIED POTATOES with Cheddar and Ranch and FRIED SNICKERS????? Yummmmmmy is all I have to say about getting ready for the fair – I like to call it "spandex wearing day"!!!!!!

    Thanks for the contest – super fun!!!

  37. This year will be the first time visiting the OC fair for my daughter. I'm so excited to see her reaction to everything!

  38. What a GREAT give away! I definitely look forward to the food! Gotta love the fried zuchinni, battered fish and chips and that corn! MMMMM…can't wait for the fair!

  39. Every year I look forward to the time spent with my family exploring the harvests, barnyard, and shops. We love to look at all the photographs too!

  40. My kids start to get so excited the minute they see the big ferris wheel being set up. We all look forward to visiting the animals, especially the pigs. Then off to enjoy some corn on the cob and some nice fruit for desert.

  41. What am I looking forward to the most at the fair? Well, I could say tasting the delicious BBQ corn. I also could say seeing the cute piglets that are born each year. I might even say viewing the photography exhibit for new ideas. However, the things I really look forward to seeing at the fair are the reactions from my daughter and son as they enjoy the day. I love seeing the fair through their eyes!

  42. My favorite thing about the fair is … hot dog on a stick. I know silly, since you can get those any time you want. I wait all year and eat as many as I want at the fair and love it! The treats aren't so bad either. If I can go everyday, that means I get a corn dog everyday. Perfection.

  43. It would be fun! The fair is tradition. Sticky fingers, eyes of wonder, pictures to remember back on.. We would love to go!!

  44. I know this is weird, but my favorite thing at the fair is looking at the table setting competitions! I love looking at how creative people can be with something as mundane as a table!

  45. I'm looking forward to my two boys enjoying the same things I did when I was younger… many moons ago. Grilled Corn on the cobb..(of Course)

  46. We love going to the fair for almost everything from the live animals and baby animals to the ice cold lemonade from Hotdog on a Stick. Can't wait for it to start!

  47. The FOOD!!! I have a 2 1/2 yr old and 6 yr old, so this year should be really fun to take them to the fair.

  48. Can't wait to go back for the elephant ride. Last year my 3 yr old was too small for it and I've heard about it ALL year long!

  49. What do I like most about the OC Fair? Well, I could say that I like eating the delicious BBQ corn. Or, I could say I like watching the baby piglets that have just been born. I also might say that I like viewing the photos in the photography exhibit. However, the best part of the fair is seeing my kids' faces as they enjoy the day!

  50. I love the fair and can't wait to go this year!!! My 14 year old has even promised me that he'd try the fried butter (even though when i told him about it, he gagged).. should be fun!!

  51. Can not wait for the OC Fair we go every year and its a blast! I did not know about all the great discounts good to know. Plan on going more then once this year! Marilu

  52. My older son's birthday is in early August and it has become a tradition to take him to the fair for his birthday.

  53. I am looking forward to seeing my son's squished penny collection at the fair. He is 9 years old this year, so it was the first time he could enter a collection!

  54. Oh wow, I have 2 kiddos, 6 & 2 & 1/2 and my oldest is a total thrill seeker. I get the biggest laugh watching her on the rides and hearing her yell ALL the way down the big Slides! It's been 2 yrs since our last visit and sounds like some great family fun!

  55. My family would love the tickets for the OC Fair. Little one is now old enough to participate more this year. Our family favorite is the pig race. The smiles and claps from the little one is priceless.

  56. My daughter loves the animals and the exhibits. I am challenging her to enter something in the fair for next year.

  57. i would love to take my son i know that he would be sooo happy to go and see so many different things, he has never been to the fair and now that his almost 3 i know that he will enjoy it. can't wait to see my son's eyes filled with excitement.
    thank you!! This is a great giveaway

  58. We moved back to SoCal recently, and my kids have yet experience the OC county fair. It would be a great experience for them. We look forward to all the traditional fun a fair would have back in the old days. Thank you for the giveaway and good luck to everyone!

  59. We would love the tickets. And I'm not gonna lie… my family looks forward to all the fun FOOD!! 🙂

  60. We've never actually been to the OC Fair, but it looks like a ton of fun! Anything to get out of the house these days would be awesome!

  61. I love the fair… I go every year. my favorite part is winning the animals with my friends, we have a big collection, running out of room for them all….but its a great time every year. hope i get this one.

  62. I look most forward to sharing a cotton candy or a snow cone with my son and playing lots of games…we always take home tuns of prizes! I love the OC fair!!

  63. Thanks for the giveaway! What is there not to love about the fair? I am looking forward to the food, the crowds, watching my kids delight in the excitement….thanks again!

  64. Looking forward to taking my boys aged 3 and 4 for the first time and seeing the look in their eyes being their for the first time!

  65. OMG, that is SOOO hard….one thing? I love the feeling in the air from the fair (it just feels different!), the cinnamon rolls, the shaved ice, the hot tubs every year we drool over them and want to buy one), the animals…the list goes on. We've been going for 25 years now, missing only a year or two here and there!! My 12 year old loves it every bit as much as his older brother did!!

  66. I can't wait to see my kids faces light up the second they see all the giant rides. They get soooooo excited!

  67. I have not been to the fair in years and would love to experience it again with my two year old. Thanks for the opportunity!!

  68. My fam loves the Fair! Nothing better than awesome rides and lots of fried food that is so bad for you, yet so delicious you don't care!

  69. The OC Fair is one of the best things to do in Orange County all year! My little ones and I always have a blast.

  70. I love watching my husband and daughter try all of the crazy food they have at the fair. They get so excited! Also love the petting zoo area!

  71. My son is autistic and he loves rides!!!!! The oc fair is an event we go every year. We go because we like the rides,petting the animals,the exhibits and especially the FOOD!!! (ribs,kettle corn,hot links,nachos,cotton candy,etc!!)

  72. We would love passes to the fair. It would really make our summer, I've been looking forward to it all year. I'm excited that this year my daughter can ride all the kiddie rides…and the giant turkey leg : P.


  73. Our family has never been to the OC fair. My husband and I grew up in LA and a few years ago moved closer to the OC. We're never been to the fair, but have heard great things about it. Our 3 and 6 year olds love the LA county fair and we would look forward to enjoying the OC fair. The kids really enjoy seeing animals and getting on the rides. We enjoy seeing the smiles on their faces.

  74. My favorite part of the fair is the animals. My kids love to see all the different animals and watch pig races. It would be terrific for our family to go again this year.

  75. What a great prize….we love the fair and would love to have season passes! It will be fun to show the kids what I enjoyed as a kid.

  76. We love going to the fair. My favorite is cotton candy and chocolate covered bacon wasn't too bad, although it needed more bacon and less chocolate. My daughter loves the pigs!

  77. we have never been to the Orange County Fair and would like to see the difference between Orange County and the La County fair we live about 5 min from the one in Pomona so we usually just wait and thats why we have never been there, but we would also like to go there to try the newest fried foods.I hear this year its fried Kool aid

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