My son just celebrated his birthday a few weeks ago and we had his birthday party this past Friday. If it was up to him he would turn his birthday into a 8 week celebration! It’s cute to see the kiddos so excited about their birthday and I wanted to share a cute little celebration that IKEA Costa Mesa and San Diego do for kids birthdays.
IKEA Costa Mesa and San Diego hosts Free kids birthday parties on the second Wednesday of every month in Costa Mesa and the first Tuesday of the month in San Diego.The parties are for kids 10 years old or younger.Each birthday kiddo is allowed to invite two of their friends/siblings to the party. The party includes entertainment, soda, and cake. Plus, each birthday child will receive a gift from IKEA.
All you have to do is (714)751-7167, ext#1470 or 619)283-6166, ext#1330 to reserve your place at the party. I think I’m definitely going to give this a whirl for my daughter’s birthday! For additional info head here and here
I’m going to look into this – looking forward to hearing your experiece!