
The OC Walk to Remember

OC Walk to Remember Press Conference

Last month I had the opportunity to attend a media event for a local organization that was founded to help support families that have lost a baby or babies during pregnancy or infancy. The OC Walk to Remember was founded by Krystin Von Rotz, who also happens to be a friend of mine, after the loss of her Joseph at birth. The foundation supports local hospitals and loss support groups by providing grieving parents with memory boxes and other helpful information.

The luncheon and press conference was held at the Orange Doubletree Hotel and honored the major sponsor of the walk this year, The Honest Company, co-founded by Jessica Alba and hospitals that support grieving parents.  Jessica Alba was on hand to talk about her support for the organization and to also share about the Honest Company, which makes natural and eco-friendly products for infants and toddlers.

The work that the OC Walk to Remember is invaluable. I don’t know much about loss but I do know that many that have suffered it don’t know where to turn or who to talk about it to. The OC Walk to Remember works to help the grieving families and provide information, referrals and those precious memories to keep their sweet babies short memories.

The OC Walk to Remember will take place this year on Saturday, October 6th at the District at Tustin Legacy. For additional information about this great organization, to register for the walk or to volunteer for this great cause head here.

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