5 Family Friendly Remakes Currently Streaming on Netflix #StreamTeam


Our family came up with a list of our five favorite film remakes currently streaming on Netflix that we think you will enjoy as well.  We had several other movies we came up with that hopefully will be streaming on Netflix soon. We will post another list when those ones are available.  We encourage you to take some time with the family this weekend or maybe even Monday night, to sit down and spend time together.  Make it a family movie night!

Freaky Friday – A rare example of a remake better than the original.  Jamie Lee Curtis is best when doing her comedic roles.

Parent Trap – Try not to compare it to the original and you will find that this is a fun movie.

Robin Hood – Disney’s 1973 animated version is our family’s favorite Robin Hood movie. It’s a quick watch with catchy tunes to sing-along.


Tarzan – While we are at it, Disney’s version of Tarzan is also the most fun of any Tarzan film we’ve seen.  Phil Collin’s soundtrack is timeless.

Flubber – This remake of The Absent Minded Professor is preferred by my kiddos over the original for several reasons: it’s in color, it stars Robin Williams and the Flubber itself is a true character in the movie.


Are there any remakes of family films that your family enjoys?

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