Santa Ana Artist Village ART Walk and ART Bar
June 3, 2009 in Art, ART Walk, Santa Ana, Santa Ana Artist Village
You can walk around and visit the galleries in the Village and also make sure to stop down in the basement of the historic Santora Arts Building at 207 N. Broadway to listen to live music and visit the ARTbar Hands-on Studio. Kids and adults can paint a 5″x5″ canvas for the collaborative exhibit which is growing to include hundreds of painted canvases, which are then sold to support the local artist fund. On ARTwalk nite the exhibit entry fee and canvas are FREE (usually a $19 entry fee). You can bring your own paints or buy paint “shots” for $1 each color. Older children love seeing their artwork on display in an exhibit, and it’s even more fun when it sells! for more info, or call 714-558-2445.
Your family will love the ART walk nights-I promise!! It’s also perfect for date night. I would add dinner at Memphis or dessert at Gypsy’s Den for a fabulous date night. For additional info click here