Senior Living Community Options

Senior living community options specialize in supportive living care such as assisted living and skilled nursing facilities that provide nurse assistant and doctoral services. Many popular assisted living community options are located in urban centers and contain a variety of support services, such as a residential rehabilitation center for people with multiple disabilities or a multi-purpose building with physical, social and recreational features, and there are some great options you can find online options which specialize in offering these services.

Additional information for people looking for help in finding a hospice-style nursing home can be found on this Q&A page from our FNS community. You may also visit the Terraces at Peachtree Hills Place homepage for more information.

For more information, call the National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) at (888) HURON-10 (HURON-10).

What Is My State’s Medicaid Waiver Program?

States that cover people with disabilities can participate in Medicaid’s special needs waiver program. If your state participates in Medicaid, you can take advantage of this program to receive greater coverage for your care needs. This is referred to as a “health stabilization” waiver.

To apply for a health stabilization waiver, you will need to visit your local Medicaid Office. If your state participates in the program, you will be contacted by an NHPCO representative at the office and will need to provide them with your Social Security Card. The state will also need to create a personalized waiver form and will need to provide it to you prior to applying. Your state Medicaid Office can also help you find doctors, which may be more cost-effective in some situations.

If you need more information, please call the NHPCO at 1-800-HURON (435-8283).

For more information on the Medicare program, please visit the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ Medicare website.

What Is the Continuing Care Verification Program?

You may have an elder care expense waiver with your state Medicaid. You can also apply for a continuing care verification waiver. This is a federal law that allows you to apply for a waiver to state Medicaid in order to receive federal subsidies to help pay for your care. The certification process is usually much easier than for a general Medicaid waiver, and it usually pays for all or a portion of the cost of your care.

You can also request a state-specific certification form. To apply for a state-specific waiver, you will need to contact your state Medicaid Office to request a certification form and follow their instructions. There is no charge to apply for the certification or for your Medicaid health insurance provider to contact your provider about your application.

A sample form is available online.

To find out more about your specific state’s Medicaid health care program and what documentation is needed, please call your state Medicaid Office and follow their directions for applying for your waiver.

What Is My State’s Individual and Family Planning Program?

Individual and family planning services are essential for women and children in nursing home and assisted living facilities. Many facilities provide these services by providing to or taking care of women and children. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities often provide free or reduced-cost care for women with children.

Many facilities also pay for some form of birth control, and others will pay up to $2,000 for birth control services annually. Some centers pay some of the cost for their residents to have access to contraception.

A visit to the Compassion Experience

The kiddos and I had a real unique visit to the free Compassion Experience. It was set up in small section of our local mall over the long weekend. The event is free and gives people a chance to experience various stories of people who have grown up and overcome the challenges of life in a 3rd world country.

The immersive experience recreates actual environments from the people whose stories are being told. The Compassion Experience will challenge your views of poverty, transform your understanding of the world, and move you to be the change for a child that just needs someone to believe in them. Visitors are encouraged at the end to consider sponsoring children to help others overcome their challenges with the help of your compassion.

There will be either two or three different story options which take approximately 15 minutes each. If you pre-register, you will be offered the priority entry line upon arrival, and then you’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like. Plan to schedule up to an hour total for your visit because the crowds and wait times fluctuate. We had a wonderful experience and encourage others to visit too.

The show can accommodate around 25 guests every 20 minutes. The experience is operated on a continuous flow, with 3-5 people sent through the tour every 4 minutes or so.

OC peeps – you can catch the free show here this weekend:

FEBRUARY 24 – 27, 2017

Nachimban Church
1200 W Lambert Rd.
Brea, CA 92821

Our Fun and Free Picks for this weekend

The weekend is upon us and here are some fun and Free events/places to visit this weekend.

Friday November 20th
1. Shark Lagoon Nights

Saturday, November 21st
1. Orange County Model Engineers – 10am to 3:30pm
2. Lowe’s Build and Grow Free Clinics– Snowman  Free Projects- 10am to 11am
3. Griffith Park Observatory- Star Party- 2pm to 10pm

Sunday November 22nd
1. Los Angeles Live Steamers Museum and Walt’s Barn
2. Orange County Model Engineers– 10am to 3:30pm
3. Free Target Family  Sunday’s at the MOLAA