Winners of Roy’s

June 30, 2010 in Uncategorized

Happy Wednesday! I’m a little late with selecting two winners for Roy’s but better late than never right? Without further ado…. the winners are..

Jennifer  who said…A date night for sure!! We have a little 4 year old and a 5 month old, so it’s been awhile for us! Thank you for this great site, it’s helping me plan some great, inexpensive outings with the family!


The Mellos said…A friend just turned me on to your blog and I think I have spent the last week reading most of your posts for my area! Thanks for doing this!
We have only visited Roy’s once, but it was a great experience. I didn’t know that they allowed the kids to help with dessert! Cool. The Mello Family of 5!

Congratulations! Please email me at Thank you all for particiapting!