
Walmart Foundation dedicated to #FightHunger


Walmart does so much for the community. We are proud to partner up with Walmart to share this fantastic announcement!

With the USDA reporting that 13.1 million children in the United States are currently struggling with hunger, too many students are facing going back to school without the food they need for a successful year. As part of their commitment to fighting hunger, over the past year Walmart and the Walmart Foundation have awarded grants to nonprofit organizations across the country to help them increase students’ access to healthy food through programs like breakfast in the classroom and youth nutrition education.


Hunger is a reality for many families, and with school back in session, many face financial barriers to getting enough healthy food to thrive. To help, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation have awarded 11 grants totaling $33 million to national nonprofits across the country, helping provide meal programs and nutrition education for youth and families as well as increase access to healthy food, like fruits and vegetables, through state and federal nutrition assistance programs.

The USDA reports that 42.2 million people in America, including more than 13.1 million children, are at risk of struggling with hunger. Through grants to 11 nonprofit organizations, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation are providing meals to those who need them the most and helping students access the healthy food they need for focused minds – both in and out of school.


The Walmart and Walmart Foundation grants will provide nearly 57 million meals to support nearly 1.5 million people in communities across the country through programs providing year-long meals, breakfast in the classroom, nutrition education and increased access to fresh fruits and vegetables through nutrition assistance programs.

Walmart and the Walmart Foundation have committed to providing four billion meals to those who need them between 2015 and 2020. They are aiming to reach this goal through a combination of grants to charitable organizations and hunger relief programs, as well as through food donations from our Walmart stores, Sam’s Clubs and distribution centers.

To learn more about Walmart and the Walmart Foundation’s commitments to fighting hunger and providing nutrition education, visit giving.walmart.com.

Follow along at: #FightHunger and @WalmartGiving.


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