ToothFairy Giveaway and Review

This week we headed up the coast for a much needed vacation with the kiddos. A big part of our roadtrips and outings are movies. I have to tell you, we would not be able to survive any type of long drive if it wasn’t for movies and our mobile DVD player. How did our parent’s do it?

We have watched quite a few movies on our vacation and I have to tell you that the Tooth Fairy was our family’s favorite! This fun movie features Dwayne Johnson, The Rock, as Derek,  a minor league hockey player nicknamed “The Tooth Fairy” because he is known for knocking the teeth of his opponents. The movie follows what happens when Derek steals a dollar from his girlfriend daughter that had been left for her lost tooth. Later that night, he grows wings and becomes a temporary tooth fairy to make up for what he did.
We loved this  cute movie and I am so excited that I have two copies to giveaway. All you have to do is leave a comment under this movie on why you would like to win. That is it! You have until next Monday the 3rd to enter. Winner will be selected on Tuesday, May 4th. The Tooth Fairy will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray on May 4th. Good luck!

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)/NASA Open House

*JPL photograph
Happy Wednesday! I have an event to tell you about that is still a couple of weeks away but I wanted to make sure you have time to mark your calendars! On Saturday and Sunday, May 15th and 16th, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory will hold an open house that is free and open to the public. This is one that your little space and future rocket scientists will not want to miss!

This popular event celebrates JPL’s accomplishments with exhibits and demonstrations about the Laboratory’s ongoing research and space exploration. Many of the Lab’s scientists and engineers are on hand to answer questions about how spacecraft are sent to other planets, how scientists utilize space technologies to explore Earth and how researchers are searching for planets beyond the solar system.

The Open House is a fun and educational experience for the kiddos,  with special hands-on activities designed specifically for them. This is a really fun event. The best part is that admission and parking are Free!!

JPL is located at 4800 Oak Grove Drive in Pasadena, off the 210 (Foothill) Freeway at the Berkshire Avenue/Oak Grove Drive exit. Parking is available near the Oak Grove main gate and the eastern boundary of JPL, accessible from Windsor Avenue via the Arroyo Boulevard exit off the 210 Freeway.
For more information, head over here.