Why I created this

Hi and welcome to Daytrippingmom.com. I decided to create a place to share the many wonderful places and events geared for families in Southern California.
Daytrippingmom.com is the quintessential guide to living and playing in Southern California with children.
I search high and low for fun places to visit with my family and love to share them with you. With the current state of the economy I try to find places that are fun and easy on your wallet. I hope you visit often and please feel free to email me with any suggestions or comments.


  1. Angela Goff says:

    Love your blog! Just what I've been looking for! I've found so many day trip ideas on your page and am so excited to take my boys to them! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU =)

  2. Dana Lambrose says:

    Our 2-year-old grandson (and his parents) has been visiting with us for 3 months. They leave in a couple weeks to return to New Zealand until his parents finish grad school over there. I just found your blog and we are off to the Bubblefest today, and soon to visit the science center.

    I wish I'd found your blog 3 months ago 🙂

    I grew up in So. Cal but didn't know of most of the activities you post. Your blog is wonderful and a great help to young families and grandparents especially when money is so tight but kids are still so active and curious.

    I think you are great for sharing this. Thank you!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I found your blog about six months ago and in a sense… it has ENRICHED our lives. We are always on the go on the weekends, eager to take our five year old daughter out into the world instead of just staying home and sticking her in front of a TV. I'm a firm believer in taking time to interact and play with your child, no matter how tired you are from a full week's work. It's surprising to find out that not only will you enrich your child's mind/life, you also benefit your relationship/marriage by just taking a deep breath and enjoying your family and pausing to marvel at the endless potential within each child. We've gone to several of the locations you have recommended, recently the Muth Center, and just thought it was beautiful and amazed that we had so much fun for under $20 for the entire day…with some subway sandwiches for lunch, cheap and healthy, we keep our costs down and still have a blast. We look forward to every weekend and it carries us through the work week knowing soon we will be out in nature, playing, having fun! Keep up the good work and thank you for creating this blog.

  4. Alicia Mendoza says:

    this is such a valuable blog!! i'm a new mom of a 3 month-old boy who isn't quite mobile yet but very alert. i look forward to getting tons of ideas for when he's ready to go on these day trips too. i also am a working mom (that's a whole 'nother adventure in itself!), so it leaves little time to research new things to do. thank you for sharing this with everyone!

  5. Lillian Harvey says:

    Google search result advertisement whiz Themelis Cuiper had a link to your blog post. Any idea why? Mobile + social media marketing virtuoso’s do not recommend something without a reason. 😎

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