Signing Time DVDs

This is a blog about day-tripping, which means that during your trip you probably pop something into the DVD player in your vehicle to entertain the tykes on the way to your destination.

If you are looking for something educational for your young children and do not want listen to another round of Baby Einstein (which, don’t get me wrong, I happen to love!) I recommend you try out a Signing Time DVD. At my last count, there were 10 volumes of this. Using American Sign Language set to fun songs, your little children learn sign language. The target audience seems to be for the babies who are still unable to use words, they can actually learn to communicate with sign language. While my 11 month-old son still hasn’t caught on to what’s being taught, my daughter has picked up quite a bit. I’ve seen some other babies in my family (mostly the girls) communicate at least a few words after watching these videos.

Heck, I think anything is worth a try. They also sell music CD’s one the kids begin to learn the signs, they can practice to just the music. This is great if you don’t have a dvd player in the car, they can at least listen to the songs and sign along!

Here is a link to volume one at Amazon.

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