Razor playdate

Last month my family  had the opportunity to attend  the 10th anniversary celebration  of Razor rides/scooters. We had a great time  and we   were all introduced to the world of razors.  My kiddos are the perfect age for their first Razor(5 and 4).  I can tell you that after being able to play and be introduced to a couple of very cool Razor Rides, my kids have added a Razor to the top of their Christmas list.

The kids both tried out the Lil’ Kick Razor Scooter and they played on it for what seemed hours. It is perfect for kiddos 3 and up. They loved everything about the scooter and I think Santa will definitely be bringing a pair to our home.

The Kiddos loved trying the different Razor Scooters. I would have to say that their overall favorite Razor had  to be the Rip Rider 360. They had to wait a bit to take this super fun three wheel for a ride, but boy was it worth the wait. This is definitely not the three wheeler of my youth. The Rip Rider 360 allows spinning and drifting to the max. My kiddos cried when they had to leave the Rip Rider behind. They absolutely loved it and can’t wait to be able to ride one again.

I will be reviewing and hosting a  very fun giveaway from Razor just in time for the holidays. Stay tuned….

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