9/11 Memorial and WTC Wreckage at the Nixon Library


Photo Credit: Orange County Register

With the ten year anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks coming up this Sunday, our family has been having discussions about September 11th and the significance of this date. I think my son is still a bit young to understand but my 1st grader has been learning about it at school and we have had many discussions about it.  We’ve let her watch some video and a few photos and we’ve talked about our feelings surrounding the day that changed our country. People can also check out product video production Toronto to get their incredible project done.

We live in Yorba Linda and tonight after dinner we headed over to the Richard Nixon Presidential Library to visit the World Trade Center Wreckage that is on display in the library’s parking lot until Sunday. There are 17 tons of steel on display from the towers and also one of the first fire engines to arrive on the scene on that day.

Photo Credit: Daily Breeze

It was an emotional experience to actually be able to touch part of the wreckage and also a great learning  opportunity for the kiddos.  If you are anywhere near the area please make sure to stop by. It’s free and you can stop pretty much anytime of day

To learn more about the display and memorial, head here.


  1. Jen B says:

    I am curious…what do you tell your kids? We have 2 newly-minted kindergartners and a 4-yo. They know that Sunday is an American “holiday” but not a fun one, so to speak. I haven’t gone much beyond that. We’re a family that does talk about good and evil, both in the abstract and in terms of people being as such. But 9/11 was so evil, and so close to home, that I am not sure how much to tell them without scaring them…

  2. Daytrippingmom says:

    Hi Jen,
    It’s something that my husband and I debated for some time and we decided to talk about a bit of what happened but without too many details. My daughter knows that our country was attacked because we are a country with great freedom,liberty and there are others that don’t feel the same way. She knows that the buildings came down and that lives were lost. She’s seen the pictures of the towers and that’s about it. I assured her that our soldiers and our government protect us and that will not happen again. She didn’t seem scared and actually wanted to learn more. I’m planning on attending one of the memorial ceremonies on Sunday and we will probably talk a bit more about it then.

  3. Selina says:

    I was wondering if there is a cost to go and see the display? Funds are a little lean this month, though I feel this is very important and should be viewed.
    Thanks for all that you post!

  4. Taffy says:

    They will also be having a big ceremony tomorrow September 11 that is free also! To see the exhibit is free (it’s in the parking lot) but if you want to enter the museum their is a small charge. Well worth the trip to see a part of something that has impacted so many people and is a part of history! Also over they holidays evey year they have another great exhibit….not as historical and touching but a fun one for the kids! They do a huge train and Lego exhibit every year sometime around November/December! My kids love seeing all of the little towns and running trains! You also can get a $1.00 off admission if you have Triple A (AAA)!

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