Education Series: A Parent’s Guide to Choosing a School


One of the most important decisions as parents is choosing the right school for your child. It’s something that is constantly on my mind as my daughter just started first grade last week. I love the idea of homeschooling but with my work schedule and school it really isn’t an option at this time. I wanted to start a weekly series focusing on education and incorporating outings in our children’s education. This week the amazing Christy Fun, owner of Belly Sprout and cofounder of Stories, Jingles and Mommy Mingles, writes about choosing the right school for your child.

From the time we are pregnant we are bombarded with information and decision-making choices whether it is about the actual birth or the best car seat to buy. Once the baby is born we then have to consider a good pediatrician, breast-feeding, products and parenting styles to name a few. When our children are old enough to enter the school systems many of us start to question and ponder the best school for our child. Choosing a preschool and then elementary and high school, may very well be some of the most important decisions we make as parents. We can no longer think of school as somewhere we just “send” our kids to. Early education and the environment for our children is such an important building foundation on how they develop socially and academically in the years to follow. Childhood traumas can happen to our little ones if careful consideration of where and how we choose to educate them is not taken into account. Here are some guidelines on how you can be an active participant in your child’s education insuring that they get the very best.
In order to meet the needs of your family when it comes to education you need to ask yourself what your educational philosophy is. Do you want a formal, academic-based education for your child or are you more in alignment with the arts? Is the public school system O.K. with your family, or would you consider private schools? There are also some nature-based curriculums if you are moved in that direction. Orange County has alternative options for schools such as: Waldorf, Journeys, Montessori, Little Owl and multi-age charters. There is even a growing home school movement for families who wish to take education into their own hands. Whatever your educational philosophy is, take the time to identify it with questions on your own childhood experience and how you would like to have your children educated. These formative years are crucial for your child so invest the time into making sure you are choosing the best for your child and for your family. Understand that once you have clarity on your own personal philosophy, your child may show signs of needing something different. Tuning into those needs early on can save your family a lot of grief if your child is not responding or flourishing in a program that you have chosen. Have an open-mind and be prepared to be flexible.
Taking the time to thoroughly explore your ideas and options in choosing a school will make it easier to decide what works best for your child and your whole family.

Christy and her partner Amy,  founded Stories, Jingles and Mommy Mingles as a way to gather moms and their babies and toddlers for bonding through gentle developmental play. They saw a need for smaller class sizes as their first introduction to Mommy and Me classes in the community was both overwhelming with large class sizing and over-stimulating for their own children. They knew there was a better way.The concept Christy and Amy had 8 years ago, came full circle when Belly Sprout re-launched Stories, Jingles and Mommy Mingles in early 2011 with a great response.

The classes which Amy McCamly teaches are classes based upon children learning through play and the use of Reggio Emilia Philosophy. Both child and parent are nurtured through mind, body and spirit. Amy believes that education is a journey, not a race, and a process to be enjoyed. First Steps Preschool and Playgroup offers Mommy and Me classes from NB through ages 5 at Belly Sprout, including Free Story Time and themed craft classes for children of all ages. You can read more at and

Christy Funk is the owner of Belly Sprout, Orange County’s first natural parenting store and resource center, servicing the community for 5 years. She shares a home with her husband and two boys, aged 5 and 7 in Orange County and has choosen to homeschool her boys. Her partner Amy McCamly, has her degree in early childhood education and has been working with children for twenty years.

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