My Spring Break Must: My Beach Bag and What’s in it!


I found my perfect bag here!

We can’t wait for spring break to kick off at our home! Our  break starts in two weeks and I’m hoping the weather cooperates and we can spend at least one day at the beach. I can’t wait to share my spring break itenerary. I think you and the kids are going to love it!

Brea Mall gave me a challenge to find the ultimate Spring Break necessities for under $50. I knew exactly what I wanted to buy and what every mom needs this spring break. The ultimate beach bag! I was on a hunt and knew that they had some cute bags at Pottery Barn. Well friends, not only did I find the perfect beach bag, it was super cheap! I had originally wanted a canvas bag but they were not in stock at the store. I was ready to head out when I noticed that near the counter they had a basket of burlap bags that were the perfect size for a beach bag and super cute too and they were only $7.99! I was sold.

The perfect size beach bag and it's cute too!

I still had over $40 dollars to spend! I honestly thought I would be spending all of my money on the bag and was super excited to have some extra cash to fill it up. We headed straight to the Disney Store and bought flip flops, sunglasses and even a beach towel. At the end of the day I still had $10 to buy dinner. It was a great shopping day at the Brea Mall!

I have my essentials and now I’m ready to finish packing up my bag. This is what I usually include:

  • Towels
  • Sunscreen
  • Baby Powder to remove the sand. It works like a charm!
  • sunglasses
  • flip flops
  • Eyedrops, helps with getting sand out of the eyes. You can also pack a small bottle of contact solution. I pack both!
  • Wipes
  • Kleenex
  • Change, You can now pay your parking with a credit card, however I usually like to bring change for the concession stand at our favorite beach.
  • Toys, Toys and more Beach Toys!
  • We also pack a cooler with water, soda, juice, snacks, cut up fruit and sandwiches. I also usually bring beach chairs and an umbrella.

What do you pack in your beach bag?


  1. Maribel Reyes says:

    I always keep hurts Bees lip balm, travel size shampoo/bath gel to rinse off sand and if there is a shower to wash sand out of hair. 🙂 water, a clean change of clothes and towel and snacks

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