Pampering Ourselves: How I treat myself

Parenting is tough work! I think I can safely say that most of us are exhausted at the end of the day. Parenting alone is extremely hard work, add to that extra curricular activities, running a home and work can make our days filled to the brim and without a moment to ourselves. I feel like there are not enough hours in the day to catch up on the blog, laundry or even my favorite show.

One thing that makes life manageable for me is to make sure I always carve out some time for a little pampering. It’s not usually expensive and sometimes I don’t even have to  leave home to experience it. During the week, I usually try to carve out a few minutes to read a book, catch up on my latest grown up show(usually something horribly trashy on Bravo) and maybe spend some good quality time with my computer checking out pinterest. I love that site and get so many ideas for home, kids, outing ideas, etc.. If you aren’t on it, you are missing out friends! It is so fun! Read on how Skill Success breaks down the perfect massage and learn about it.

I also make sure to make time at least once a month to either get a mani/pedi or a reflexology massage. Lately, I’ve skipped out on my mani/pedi time because I’ve become addicted to my reflexology massages for many reasons. One is that they are usually cheaper than a mani/pedi. They are only $15 to $20 for a good one hour massage, they are more relaxing and for an hour, I can be guaranteed peace and quiet. I usually leave the massage place as a ball of mush. The massages are worth every penny!

I guess what I’m trying to say is that no matter what, we have to make sure to carve out some time for ourselves. Whether it’s a few minutes watching your favorite show, taking a bubble bath, a long shower or just browsing the aisles at Target by yourself, make sure to take some time to pamper yourself! You deserve it!


  1. Elizabeth says:

    The reflexology massage sounds heavenly and I would like to try it! Where is a good place to get a foot massage?

    • Julie says:

      there are tones of them mainly in asian community just google foot massage and there should be plenty even on yelp. west ends are a bit pricy ($25?!) and asian communities may go as cheap as $10/hr

  2. kristy says:

    Are there any places near yorba linda? I would love to do this. I usually pay extra money while getting a pedicure for them to massage my feet!

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