Wordless Wednesday: Minimum Day Traditions

Our Minimum Day Tradition- Slushies from Sonic

In our school district, we have a minimum day once a week. The kiddos love it not only because they have a shortened school day, but also because we have a little tradition. Every Minimum day after school we head over to sonic for a slushie. It just so happens that Sonic has happy hour everyday from 2pm to 5pm and their drinks are half off. Score for mom!

The kiddos look forward to our minimum day treats and I love chatting with them about their day while enjoying a cold and tasty treat.

How about you? Do you have any Minimum Day Traditions?

For more Wordless Wednesday fun  head over to Angry Julie Monday.


  1. Jessica says:

    Nope, but what a great idea! My son just started Kindergarten so we will definitely do something special on minimum days. Thanks for the tip!

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