Museum Day 2009- Free Admission to your favorite museum

I love almost anything that is free. As I was researching a future post, I stumbled upon Museum Day 2009, which will take place on Saturday, September 26th. Museum Day 2009 is sponsored by The Smithsonian.
Museum Day 2009 will offer you and a guest(all you have to do is head to this link and print out a free card) FREE general admission to hundreds of museums and cultural venues nationwide. California has over 90 participating museums! This is the perfect opportunity to make that visit to a particpating museum that you have been wanting to visit. No excuses!
All you have to do is head here and print out your Free card. It allows you and a guest admission to participating museums. Simple as that!
Here is a list of participating museums in Southern California.

The Los Angeles Museum of Holocaust will offer Free admission on Sunday September 27th , since the museum is closed on Saturday.

There are hundreds of museums participating nationwide. Make sure to tell your friends and family because this is an amazing opportunity. For additional information head on over here.