Summer Fun! Where to Bonfire in So Cal

One of our favorite activities as a family on summer nights is to head to the beach, bring some dinner and have a bonfire. The kids love running around playing in the sand and the grown ups gather around the fire enjoying some great conversation and the sounds of the waves crashing.

We usually pack:

  • blankets
  • folding chairs
  • wood
  • matches
  • ingredients for smores
  • Pizza

Make sure to get there either early in the evening. We usually are safe if we get there between 5 and 6 pm.

If you are looking for something fun to do, that really won’t cost much and is good summer fun look no further. Here are some great places to bonfire in Southern California.

Los Angeles Area:

Unfortunately only one beach allows bonfires/fire pits in Los Angeles County

Orange County Area:

San Diego

Fire pits are sought after to make sure you get there early or try heading out to Huntington Beach which has hundreds of fire pits. Have fun!