The Zula Patrol Review and Giveaway

I’m always looking for something fun to pop into our DVD player as we head to our outings. I received a copy of The Zula Patrol’s Animal Adventures in Space and Moon Mayhems. I had never watched an episode of The Zula Patrol before and I was hooked from the moment I started watching. My kiddos have been watching The Zula Patrol, every Saturday morning on NBC. You can also catch the show on PBS.

I love that the show teaches children about science and the eco system in a fun and wacky way. Your kiddos will learn about planetary orbits, planet characteristics and so much more. It’s a really fun show that the entire family will enjoy. I loved that after watching this my 4 year old daughter has shown an interest in visiting the observatory to learn about the planets and the Solar System. I wish they had shows like this when we were growing up!

Here is the scoop on the show and DVD. “The Zula Patrol” features a gang of lovably wacky alien characters including stalwart Captain Bula, brainiac Professor Multo, feisty hot-doggin’ space pilot Zeeter, the amazing space pet Gorga, and twin flying explorers Wizzy & Wigg. They take kids on a roller coaster fun ride across the Universe, helping them discover interesting facts about science and astronomy in the process.

The Zula Patrol: Moons Mayhem follows the intrepid team from Zula in six humor-filled stories that begin with a challenge, and end with a resolution, as they explore the fascinating, often volatile world of moons. The episodes include: Moon Struck, Blue Moon, Going Through a Phase, Moons Mayhem, Three Ring Gorga and Me, Myself and Io. It’s non-stop lunar adventure for The Zula Patrol, as they as they rescue a turbulent Venus, who is on a quest to acquire a moon of her own; discover the many moons of Jupiter during Jupiterfest; explore the composition of the surface of Earth’s moon; help save Bula from an awful Were-Mouse curse, and thwart Dark Truder’s nefarious plan to steal all the moons within the solar system.

In The Zula Patrol: Animal Adventures in Space!, the team explores how insects, reptiles, mammals, plants and rocks form and interact with each other. In Larvae or Leave Me (the first episode), Skip the grasshopper can’t find his friend Wriggly the caterpillar – until he discovers, with help from The Zula Patrol, that Wriggly has transformed into a beautiful butterfly! Four additional stories on the DVD are: Egg Hunt, There Goes the Neighborhood, Choosing Sides and Camp Worm . No job is too big for The Zula Patrol, as they search for stolen frog eggs, help restore life to a canyon ecosystem, solve the mystery of the missing honey, and tunnel through dirt with their worm comrades to help the trees grow – and end up thwarting a threatened “alien invasion” from another planet.

I have one set to giveaway to a lucky winner. All you have to do is leave a comment- any comment and one lucky winner will be chosen at random. Contest is open until Sunday night. Good luck!


  1. kimbers69 says:

    I didn't know it was on Saturdays? My girls watch this on Qubo during the week (we don't have cable) and love all the programs. I don't have to worry about the shows, they are all kid friendly. The only problem is all the infomercial type commercials. They want me to buy everything they see.

  2. Monique J. says:

    I just love this show and so does my three year old son. He loves Space and I think it is because of this show. I try to only put on learning shows for him and this is definitely one of them. Adults who have forgotten things(like myself) can also benefit from this show. Plus, I get to spend some real quality time with my son learning and playing. Great show for all ages i think. Thanks.

  3. kelly forster says:

    Thanks for the info, never heard of the show, but it sounds great. I set it to record on the DVR…looking forward to it… thanks again!

  4. Leslie says:

    We have never watched it, but the kids don't get a lot of TV time. We do use DVDs on family trips quite often, so we'd love one! PBS is a favorite in the house though, so we'll watch out for this one. My 6 yr old son is a science nut and an outer space "expert". He loves to observe bugs and animals and talk about their habits, what they contribute to the world, …even disgusting facts like how flies actually eat their food! (too gross to post) I hope we get a chance to check out this cute show soon!

  5. Monica says:

    Would love a chance to begin introducing my daughter to educational videos. This will also probably work out also for my students.

  6. familyadventureguidebooks says:

    We are love the Zula Patrol. It comes on at four which is a tricky time at our house. Nice to find something educational and fun at that hour.

  7. Josephbek says:

    It's a great show for kids of all ages. I have 3 boys that are 2, 3 and 4 years old and it holds the interest of all 3 of them. The oldest is really able to grasp the concepts and can tell you all about what he learns from the show. I highly recommend the show!

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