Ocean Beach Kite Festival

The 62nd Annual Ocean Beach Kiwanis Kite Festival and Craft Fair will take place on Saturday, March 6, 2010 at Ocean Beach in San Diego. This event offers free kite making with instruction for all children. All materials are provided.
Prizes are awarded for best decorated kites, by age category.

This fun and Free  family event will have  entertainment and Lunch is free for children, donation for adults. Carnival rides and a craft fair are also part of the event.

This free family event is the oldest community kite festival in the United States, now celebrating its 62nd year. This is a third-generation event – people who attended as children are now bringing their children and grandchildren.

Kiddos  are taught how to make kites, using a unique design which is guaranteed to fly. All materials are supplied. Award judging is at 1 PM, and any handmade kite can be submitted – not just kites made at the Festival.

After awards are presented, all participants march in an informal parade along Santa Monica Ave. to the beach, where they can fly their new kites. The Kite Festival is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Ocean Beach and the Ocean Beach Recreation Center.

The schedule is:
Kite making is available all morning, 9 AM to 12:30 PM
Kite judging: 1:00 PM
Parade: 2 PM
Craft fair/street fair: 9 AM to 4 PM
Location: Ocean Beach Recreation Center and Ocean Beach Elementary School
4726 Santa Monica Avenue at Sunset Cliffs Blvd., Ocean Beach

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