Ensueño Fabric Softeners: Why I love them and 6 month Supply Giveaway!

Summer around our home means a lot of exploring, swimming, discovering new places, road trips, daytrips and a whole lot of laundry! We go through at least two changes a day per kiddo and that means that laundry adds up fast! I was recently introduced to the Ensueño Fabric Softener brand and I honestly can’t stop raving about it. I have been missing out amigos! Ensueno left my clothes soft and smelling like a dream. I even had strangers compliment me on the scent of my clothes. I have never had that happen before! The kids clothes actually smelled so good that they walk around smelling themselves. This has been heaven sent to us because we have a front loading washer that tends to leave our clothes with a bit of a funky smell and Ensueño wipes that right out!

Ensueño Fabric Softeners come in a variety of scents. You can choose from  Spring Fresh, Violet Bouquet, Fresh Harmony, Summer Fresh and Nature Fresh), Baby Scent or Natureza (Almonds + Oatmeal, Chamomile + Aloe and Cucumber + Bamboo). Looking for a SewDays Participating Shops near you? At https://www.fabricshoppersunite.com/sewdays-participating-shops/ you will find a quick reference list of the participating shops. Creating quilts is a way of showing love. You can make them as gifts; they are forms of expression, works of art and more.

I love the Nature Fresh smell! It is so soft and wonderful! I also love that Ensueño Fabric Softeners not only smell great, they are also a great value!
Win it! I know that with Summer and Back to School around the corner, you are going to be doing a lot of laundry so you’re gonna need these glass laundry soap dispenser. Ensueño Fabric Softeners is giving away a 6 month supply of your favorite scent. Make sure to enter to win! Giveaway ends on Monday, July 23rd at 11:59pm. Good luck!
Also make sure to check out Ensueño Fabric Softeners on Facebook and Twitter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This is part of a compensated campaign with AIEn. However, all opinions are my own.


  1. Diana Gonzalez says:

    I have about 15 loads needing to be washed! Yes i know my husband thinks he needs to change shirts every 5 minutes so I get backed up on my washing, folding and putting away. Great giveaway Aracely!

  2. michelle says:

    I do about 5 loads of wash a week in our family of 3. i try to get a load done about every day so it doesn’t pile up on me.

    I’d love to try the spring fresh scent. i like things light and airy.

  3. Dana M says:

    I do about 7 loads a week (one for everyday)! My laundry secret is to keep up with laundry. It’s a bummer spending an entire day doing laundry!

  4. Lindsay S. says:

    I think the Almonds and Oatmeal sounds really lovely. I actually wish I had a dryer sheet with me today, because the skirt I’m wearing has a bit of static cling (it’s dry clean only, boo), and if I had a dryer sheet I could rub it on the skirt and easily take away the cling (note to self: must remember to bring a few dryer sheets to keep at work).

  5. Elizabeth Gallardo says:

    we wash around 9-12 loads a week. with a 1, 2.5, and 13 year old that go through several outfits a day.

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