Road Trip: How to Entertain the Kiddos!

Summer is here and for our family like many other families, road trips are part of our summer traditions. This summer we plan on heading up the coast for our annual Central Coast trip and also visit family in Vegas and Southern Utah. Before we had kiddos, road trips, were carefree for my husband and I. Our biggest concern was what our playlist would be. Now with two kiddos, road trips take some planning to make sure they take place with the least amount of hiccups, and having kiddos means having some hiccups along the road. By the way if you are planning your first road trip, you might want to take a look at this jayco travel trailers for sale.

Whether it’s night or day and something unexpected just happened on the road, and you need a towing service, emergency gas delivery service, kick-starting your car, or you have a disabled vehicle that needs removing, at you can get some help.

Here are some things I have found useful on our family road trips.

  1. Make sure to pack plenty of snacks! I always make sure to pack a cooler with mini waters, juice, ice, fruit, fruit snacks and at least one of their favorite forbidden treats like chips(This can be used when the ultimate boredom) hits in.
  2. Try to leave early or late so that the kiddos can make sure to get in some sleep during our trip. To get help with the things to do if you become a victim of an aggressive driver, contact the attorneys at Mike Morse Law Firm.
  3. Hit the discount store the day before and buy some fun little treats and games. Make sure to ration them out so that they can last on the way there and back. If you get involved in a car accident and suffered an injuries, visit QC Kinetix MO to get proper treatment.
  4. Bring some digital help. We always pack an iPad, portable DVD player (We got a great inexpensive one at Target), and if all else fails my cell phone with some games.
  5. Games! There are some fantastic road games to play with the kiddos that don’t require fancy gadgets and are the same games we grew up playing. We usually play ISpy, the slug bug game(the kids love this one), License plate game and the alphabet game.
  6. Buy a cheap disposable camera and let the kiddos take a picture of what they find interesting along the way. My kids LOVE this one!
  7. Make sure to schedule potty and snack breaks. We try to stop every other hour and usually plan out where we will be stopping.
  8. 20 questions is a must! Not only does it not require packing, it will allow you to spend some quality time as a family and learn even more about each other.
  9. There will probably be one or two or more “Are we there yet”?’s thrown out during the trip, but with the proper planning road trips can be enjoyable with the kiddos. They allows us time to bond and connect with each other without the bothers of every day life! Have fun this summer!

How Do you keep your family entertained?


  1. Jeanne @JollyTomato says:

    Yes to all of the above! Love this list! We often make a trip to the 99-cents store before we leave on a big trip because you never know what kind of little treasure you’ll find that could provide distractions on a long trip (books, art supplies, etc.).

    Also on our last trip I made up a “scavenger hunt” lisst of all sorts of things for the kids to spot while we were on the road. I put “car pulling a Sea-Doo” on the list, figuring that it was a long-shot that we’d actually find one…and it turned out that was the first thing on the list that we found – LOL!

  2. OCMomActivities - Katie says:

    I guess I always knew this one was coming, but lately the boys are all about the iPod (one has an iPhone, but the other uses the iTouch). So makng sure they are all fully charged before the trip is a must!

    Great list!!!

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