Ever After Party GNI and Netflix #giveaway


In celebration of the release of Ever After High: Spring Unsprung, now streaming on Netflix, we threw a “Girls Night In” viewing party, with my daughter and a couple of her friends.

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First they filled themselves with food and played games around the kitchen table.  Then they made their way to the movie theater, aka our family room to stream the new movie.

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The Ever After High characters are the daughters of famous fairy tale characters such as Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty and others. They are teenagers dealing with the struggles of living up to their parent’s expectations. If they don’t follow their individual destinies, their stories will cease to exist and they will disappear forever.

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As parents we have high hopes for our children. As parents, our job is to do our best to guide and direct, but their destiny is ultimately their own. For now, we will let them enjoy childhood.


In addition to the web series, there are also dolls and storybooks available to continue the adventure of the Ever After High kids. (And yes, there are boys too!)


Ready to enter our giveaway for one year subscription to Netflix? Leave a comment stating your favorite new program currently streaming on Netflix.

Retro Cartoon Fun Netflix #StreamTeam

This week, Netflix announced the return of two beloved 80s cartoons with all new episodes: Danger Mouse and Duck Tales.  This made us think about what other 80s cartoons we love that also happen to be airing currently on Netflix.

jemJem and The Holograms. Jem is truly outrageous. A live action film of this cartoon is currently in production. We can’t wait.


garfieldGarfield was a great way to pass the time on a Saturday morning.

spidermanSpiderman and His Amazing Friends! This was the way many of us were first introduced to Spiderman as kids.  Come on, you all know the theme song, “Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can…”


I remember going to see the Care Bears movie on opening weekend. Every show during the day was sold out and ended up sitting near the front row.  My sisters and I later had a VHS copy that we played over and over again.

What are some of your favorite 80s cartoons? Netflix is always changing up their library, so if it’s not there now, it might be available next month.

This entry was posted in netflix.

Puss In Boots series now on Netflix #StreamTeam

Instagram cats – Hamilton the Hipster Cat and KimchiKitty – are so excited for the launch of Puss in Boots, they’ve dressed up as the greatest feline fighter himself. The all-new Netflix original series The Adventures of Puss in Boots is now streaming!

cat1 cat2Puss In Boots is now starring in his very own new Netflix cartoon series.  Join him as he attempts to undo a spell and fight off villains in the town of San Lorenzo.


Netflix has been amping up their original programming for all ages in the family.  Last year saw the premiere of Turbo: Fast and there are now numerous programs for older audiences.  The more audiences watch these programs, the more quality programs will come to Netflix.

You can watch The Adventures of Puss In Boots now!